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Communication skills scenarios

Within this file are communication scenarios that were used during workshops.  They can be used with actors or by students roleplaying the part of parents.  They can be adapted to suit the clinical role of the student.

1. Denial paeds oncology

A 15 1/2 year old girl presents with a likely relapsed cancer. This scenario allows students to explore denial in patients and families.  There are adaptations for medical, nursing and therapy staff.

2. Preterm labour, prematurity and long term uncertainty.

Suitable for neonatal teams and general paediatric staff with medical and nursing variations.

3. Uncertainty

The family of a 12 year old girl with cerebral palsy and increasingly fragile health are uncertain whether or not to go on holiday. This scenario is suitable for outpatients, community and hospice teams

4. Antenatal PAC planning

A baby is diagnosed antenatally with Edwards syndrome. This scenario can be adapted for antenatal care and postnatal care.

5. Palliative care in congenital heart disease

This scenario focuses on the care of a baby with complex congenital heart disease who is being supported by palliative care. It allows students to explore the uncertainties involved, family understanding and myths around opiod use.

6. Experimental treatments

This scenario allows students to practice consultation skills with the family of a baby with a neurometabolic condition, whose family want to pursue gene therapy abroad.

7. Young person wanting to stop treatment

A 16 year old with end stage renal failure wants to discuss stopping dialysis.

8. Outpatient consultation exploring hospice

In this scenario the young mother of a baby with complex needs has concerns about the suggestion she might want a referal to the children's hospice.

9. Social media

A parent wants to talk with you about high profile social media cases where ther has been conflict between family and professionals around end of life care .

10. Discussing dying with children.

The parents of a 10 year old with end stage liver failure want support on how to discuss his health with him and his siblings.

11. Neonatal withdrawl of life supporting therapy

This scenario focuses on the care of a baby with complex congenital heart disease who is being supported by palliative care. It allows students to explore the uncertainties involved, family understanding and myths around opiod use.

12.Additional scenarios, focusing on PAC plans


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